Guyana is a long way away from North Carolina. There are many miles between here and there, as well as many obstacles between now and then. Those obstacles that are in our pathway are merely mirages which God will overpower. Romans 10:15 starts out by saying, “And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” We are in the process of being sent. This process has three steps and they make up the ‘How’ of our mission.
Step 1. God has called us to go to Guyana, plain and simple. When we started this whole journey, we felt like God was giving us a slogan, “If God calls us to it, He will get us to it!” Lindsey and I are trying to follow God with the understanding that if God has called us then He will pave the way. This requires faith not just on our part, but on the part of our families and our church also.
Step 2. You, our church family, are sending us. There is no way that we could do all that needs to be done apart from the love and support of you. Some of you reading this blog live in North Carolina, and some of you do not even live in North America. You are all our family and your encouragement is priceless to us. We need your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial support. This is why at the top of this site you can sign up to become a prayer partner and a financial partner. As members of Wycliffe, we have to raise our financial support. Last week we told you our monthly budget is set at $2500 a month. When that is broken down between two people, Social Security, taxes, insurance, retirement, and operational overhead, you find that amount of money to be just right. Wycliffe requires that we have raised 100% of that amount before we can go overseas. As of today as are at 23% of that and for every $25 a month given we go up another percent. This will be met by friends and family like you, giving each month through this website or by check.
Step 3. The final step is, ‘How will we learn the language and translate the stories in time?’ Well, we will be meeting someone there in Guyana who speaks both English and Carib. We have talked to a missionary who used to live there who is going to try to connect us to this tutor. Lord willing, we will build a relationship with him and he can help us learn the language, and perhaps translate the stories. Also we will be building friendships with other natives once we learn the language that will also be helping us. The goal is for them to translate the stories with our help, instead of us translating the stories with their help.
All in all, this is a huge task and it will require many people, not just Lindsey and I. We will need you, the natives, people we haven’t even met yet, and mostly, a God who can move mountains! We ask you to go before God and ask Him, how you can help take the Gospel to the Carib’s of Guyana? How can you send us? Will that be through prayer? Through notes of encouragement? Through financial support? We are all a part of this mission! Thank you for giving of yourselves for the glory of God!
~Electronic gifts can be made through this site. Just click on the tab at the top and follow the instructions.
~Checks can be mailed to: PO Box 628200, Orlando, FL 32862-8200. Please do NOT write our name on the memo line of the check but include a slip of paper and on it write Jason & Lindsey Lawson, #235891