I won't be so bold as to say that I understand faith. In fact the Bible tells us that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed then we will see mountains move. When I think about faith, I have to contemplate Peter walking on water. It blows my mind that Peter would have even thought to say to Jesus, if that is You, call me to come out to You on the water. Then when Jesus said come, Peter actually sits down on the edge of the boat and swings his legs out over the water so that is feet are getting wet. Remember that there is a storm raging so Peter has to hold on to the boat for dear life. I guess this is where many Christians live their life. (Including myself) We cry out to God and ask Him to call us to Himself and when He says come on, we swing out feet out and get them wet. Our knuckles turn white as we grip our 'boat,' (security blanket, comfort zone, family, career, etc) Many Christians will point to their wet feet when asked how their faith is. But I think God looks at our hands. What are we holding on to? For Peter there came a point where he had to let go of the boat so that he could walk out to Jesus. That blows my mind! Letting go, sink or swim.
This Friday is our faith goal for reaching 100% of our financial needs for the mission field. What that means is, Wycliffe asked us back in October to set a date when we hoped to have 100% raised. Lindsey and I prayed about it and felt like Friday, May 6th was that day. Now we are less than one week away and I find that God is teaching me a lesson. On one hand I'm asking the question, what if Saturday comes and we are at 99%, on the other hand I truly believing God is capable of raising those funds! Now I am in the middle hearing God say, 'Let go of the boat!' Stop looking at your wet feet and look at Me! So let this be my formal declaration:
I am letting go!
I am trusting God!
I don't understand everything but that is what makes it faith!
We love You LORD and it is in You that we trust!
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." Rom. 11:36
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